D'accord. En fait, il y a beaucoup de choses que dont je veux parler mais aussi, je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps! Ha i just said a bunch of french stuff. Just on the subject of speaking french, I love it! Things are going so good and i have my good days and bad days but i am beginning to finally come around. Sorry i didn't write yesterday. I had a ton of things going on yesterday and i couldnt get to a computer because i was in another ville called St Lo Doing exchanges. This week has been so busy. First things first. It is so cold! I think it is funny because in my emails i said that well the first week was rainy and the second and then the 3rd was pretty nice. Well now, It is snowing! A ton! It is suppose to snow through thursday and we have already recieved about 6 inches in Cherbourg! I am so glad that i finally got French clothes. Hahaha this saturday i went into a store because if you spent over 180£ then we got 40 percent off! So i got a nice coat some pants and a sweaterfor about 130 euros! Such a good deal! It was funny because i bought it then it started getting super cold in the region! So it was pretty good. I love the coat and all that jazz. I am warm and dry mom! HAHAHAHA
So as far as the work here and how it is going.... We have revived Cherbourg. I came in with like no work and now there is lots of work. We have 4 new amis and there are two who could be ready for baptism soon. We plan to set two dates this week! It is pretty sweet. God is really helping us out. He has been leading us to people and been leading others to us. We tried starting up the stop smoking group but decided to put it on hold because we chose a new strategy. The Branch President Franc Martin had the impression that every family in the branch needed a copy of preach my gospel and that we needed to go visit each family and teach from preach my gospel. It has been working miracles to say the least. Just us obeying and following the prompting that Franc got is just bringing so many blessings! I love it!
Other things, Dad you cant see my aprtment because it doesnt run next to a road. It is down an alley way and you can't really see it. Ha and Joburg were i took those cliff pictures, It is on the same peninsula as cherbourg just 60 kilometers west and in a place called Joburg. Ha Thanksgiving! It was so great! The Branch president and his wife franc and Charlotte hosted us and it was so much fun. We made potatoes, sweet potatoes, Gravy and Pumpkin pie and they did stuffing, cranberry sauce and a huge Chicken with Stuffing (france doesn't have lots of turkey). We also drank ginger beer which is so so good. It isnt alcoholic dont worry but it is so great! Ha the dinner was great and also that was the first snow of the year. Ha Franc streamed the Patriots vs Lions game to the computer so we even got to see some real american football! HA I loved it. The only thing lacking was the family. But yeah other than that, that is about all that is going on here. I am doing well and i staying safe, dry, and warm! Thank you for all you prayers on my behalf! I am so Stoked that MOM PASSED HER BOARDS! CONGRATULATIONS Mom! I knew you could do it. I am also glad to hear that Zachary is doing better. I hope that all is well with him. Anyway so that is me i hope you enjoy the photos! I am down to 210lbs btw. That is 35 pounds baby!!!!!! HAHAHA
I love you all and miss you!
Elder Hoopes