Ok so this email will probably be a lot better than the last one because i can type again on a good computer! So this week for the most part has been pretty casual. Not to many things new but there are some cool miracles! We are still working our hardest and really trying to find those who are ready for the gospel so yeah on vera! Ok also mom you should be getting a letter in the mail! Also I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU GUYS FINALLY GOT THE PACKAGE I MAILED!!!! I know it was kinda dorky but hey whatever it rocks just as hard! :)
So ok fun things that happened this week! They do this thing here in france called Les Galettes de Roi. They are big pastries with a little prize inside and it is called a feve. It is in celebration of when the wisemen went and saw Jesus after his birth! Well I have know won 4 times! I have crowns and everything! Hahaha that was just a fun little thing. Also at football this week I gave out two more Book of Mormon's to the guys! I am the QB so they listen to me and respect me a lot! It is really fun getting to play football with them and also be a missionary! Ha this week i was the only QB and so i was running all the drills with the team and after practice the coach was talking to me and he said that he hoped that i wouldn't leave the Ville because he thinks i am super good! I love It Woo HOO! By the way speaking of giving out Book of Mormon's, Me and Elder Draleau have given out thirty since the start of our transfer and that is more than half of all given out by the Zone and mind you we have 6 other companionships in our Zone! Pretty cool right?! If it wasn't for the Book of Mormons then we wouldn't be having lots of success. Cool stories!
Ok so the First is Sylvie. We gave her a Book of Mormon two weeks ago. But after the first time we saw her we didn't see her for about a week and a half because she was out of town and everytime we passed back her house she wasn't there. Well then a couple nights ago as we were planning Elder Draleau had the impression to pass by the next day at 6:15 exactly! So we did just that, we went back and knocked her door. Luckily she was there because she was just about to leave for the night. We talked to her at the door and asked if she had read at all and she goes, "Well yeah i'm not done yet I've only read half of it so far! I really like it a lot though." We were like.......WOW!!!!!! That hasn't happened to me yet on the mission and it hasn't happened with any of the Book of Mormons yet, like not many people are reading. So we were so shocked and we are going to see her this Thursday!
Then we had another pass back with a lady with this lady named Claudine! She is so cool we taught her one of the best lessons we have ever taught and she got really excited and into the lesson and now we are going to see her on Friday! It is so cool to see the blessings that come from simple testimony and from really searching for the elect. Hopefully both of them are super stars! Also cool news! Remember Ousmane from Blois? Well he is going to be baptized this Saturday! How cool?! I still am hoping and praying to see a baptism! It'll come though i know it!
But really that is about it. Me and Elder Draleau are getting along really well still. I dont know if i am staying or moving yet so we'll just have to see. I had the feeling i was staying in Blois and then i movedso you never know. I'll let you know saturday if i Move! Well I love you all so much and i hope all is well and that you are all happy and being blessed! Au Revoir!
Avec L'amour
Elder Hoopes