Anyway ok so comme j'ai bonjour! How is everyone doing! I saw that carson was doing work on the baseball field! I couldn't be more proud of that beast!!!! And i loved hearing about the visit to see the family! this last week was like a giant hoopes family gathering! I love that! Ha Dad i think that is great you got to go see grandma and grandpa! If you did that to me i would be confused, happy, then mad! Ha they are lucky that they have more liberties with family because i know for us missionaries we have to compartmentalize our thoughts because if we think to much of home that can take us over and then it is difficult! But for them they can do whatever they want! Seniors are so lucky! And all i could say when they got mexican food was just.....of course they would! HAHAHA I figuered they would've already found their place there! So good! I am so thankful for grandparents on a mission though because seriously they are so fun to talk about out here. When i say that my grandparents are serving a mission everyone gets so excited and thinks that is like the funnest thing! So yeah i love that and i am so glad to hear how well garret's farewell talk went. I think that he is going into David Kingsley's mission if you remember my red haired friend! But yeah so good for him honestly! I am so happy to know that he is going on a mission. I hope the family knows how much i miss them and think about them! They really are so great!
So mission time things are still going well. Remember that one miracle i shared last week? Yeah he is the worst!!!!!! He wanted to have a rendez-vous just to get his hands on a Book of Mormon just so he could tear it apart and prove to us all the false doctrines that we believe. I am so glad he was courageous enough to try and save our souls from the horrible hell that awaits us for following the devils church. what a sweet kid..... Honestly he just tore it apart and i just looked at him directly in the eyes the entire time speechless. My comp did a good job at keeping things under control because i nearly flipped the table and went off in his face. UGH!!!!! Such a waste. This kid would've been great. The saddest part is that in all the things he said, he was wrong! Not even in interpretations of scripture but just pure fact and common knowledge. I was so thankful for the fact i read the new testament and spent time with annette in Limoges. Nothing he said was new to me. It's no wonder there are thousands of Churchs on the earth. Their attempt at salvation is said without the restored priesthood. good luck nelson!
On a bright note we have 3 baptismal dates as of last sunday. We are working with this family and we've only set a date with the Husband. The three kids and wife are soon to follow i hope. Another is young student who is super cool! I really see him having the biggest potential and then there is patrick who we saw this weekend. This weekend was the baptism of an ami from soissons but who is taught by the elders of Meaux. That being Elder gull and my favorite missionary ever ELDER NELSON from the MTC! It was great to see tham and to also see patrick all excited about the baptism! So yes they are doing well. We are making more efforts to baptize here in compiègne! I know it will sound crazy but i want to have ten people baptized here before i leave. I don't know i just want to see that happen and to be honest i think it can! We will see what the Lord has in plan for us. I honestly am still loving the mission! Honestly things can get hard here in the field but after 2 days or so things work out and you realize that there is nothing to worry about. We are just sticking to it and i hope that all will continue to go well.
So yes i think that is all. Couple things connor getting a concussion! Ouch! I hope that he is ok! Garments. If they didn't work out send them to the mission home instead or even here if you want. So yeah! Tell everyone hello for me and that i would love to hear from them because i would! I love you all!
Love, Elder Hoopes
P.S i'm online :)
A butterfly i saved! |
Ball Room at Napoleon's Palace |
Emperess's Room! |
Napoleon's bed room |
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Notre Dame de Paris |
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Old Destroyed Longpont Abbey |