So hello everyone,
I will be staying and finishing my mission in Evry just to let everyone know :) Which i think is great. It is a great city and things are moving and going well so it'll be nice. I don't talk about the ward hardly ever but it is the best functioning french ward that i have ever seen. They are great and know how to do everything well! So yeah i don't talk about them much because well i don't need too :) Missionary work is moving. It is best discribed as fragile. We have to be 100 percent obedient and really do things perfectly so that we can see results here. The Area is not a hard area at i would say it is just a mixture of a lot of different things, stress about coming home, trying to build a solid missionary base, things like that and it doesn't help that there is not a lot of support from my comp. I have to say he is fun and does try hard it is more so that he is learning how to do everything because he never did it before. It is like retraining but he is great just having to do a lot for him too. I also just got called as district leader by the way. That will great because that will really keep me busy for the next 6 weeks :) So yeah i think that helps illustrate the situation. I really do enjoy Evry it is just different and interestingly timed in my mission experience but i am growing a lot from it. Nothing will ever compare to how hard Cherbourg was. That was difficult. Mais voilà quoi.
Cool things that are going on as far as the work goes. We have 3 real progressing amis and several others but these 3 are so close to baptism they just have big concerns that are stopping them. One is living with his girlfriend, another lives far and has 5kids under 9 and has a tough time coming to church, the other has been baptized twice before that and is hestitant to take that next step. So pray for them and think about them often and i know that good things will happen. God put us here to baptize and that is what we will fight for! Honestly it is inspiring to see what is happening in our mission as a total. This last week we found 150 new investigators and this time last year we were only finding 55 a week! How crazy?! I am stoked for it and it makes me want to work even harder so that i can be a part of it! It is so cool honestly to be a part of this mission and to have leader like we do. When i first got in the mission it was honestly a joke. People were so disobedient and just didn't care but now President is calling the best of the best to Train, be Zone Leaders, and District leaders and is really helping us see the possiblities that can be achieved! I think it is so cool and i am grateful to be a part of it!
Other than that things are going well, nothing to crazy. I can't believe that is so close to the end. I can't wait to see you guys again. I miss you a lot and i really am really anticipating see you. Mom i can't wait to take you to some of the boutiques in Paris and trust me you might think oh man we will have to drive a ton..... Nothing is more beautiful than the french countryside! Oh! I am so excited to schare all of it with you all! It will be great! So yeah there is that and i think that is all. Nothing to crazy. I love you all. talk to you soon!
Elder Hoopes
Classic French Beauty! |
The Art Quartier literally one of my favorite spot in France |
The top of Mont Martre! |