Current Address:

This is my current address:

Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Bonjour Tout le monde!

So it was so great seeing everything from the court of honor!  Congrats brothers for being eagle scouts!  You're done with scouts!!!!!!  WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The decorations were fantastic and everything looked so wonderful!  I loved seeing the brothers honestly!  I don't have any real up-to-date pictures of them!  It is crazy that the next step for connor is driving and hunter is mission!  Dude i am predicting Hunter is going to Iceland!  Yes i am calling it!  In any case everything looks like it is goinng great and i am super excited to be a part of home life in a couple weeks!  As far as other things go for back home i can't think of anything else i need to comment on haha......  

SO This week was a great week honestly nothing to crazy happened.  We taught a lot of lessons and are starting to teach more in the prescense of members which is helping them build their confidence in us and stuff so yeah.  Grettel is doing super well.  She is our cuban investigator.  My spanish has been getting better and she is really progressing.  She even said how have you learned spanish so quickly and i honestly don't know how except that every time i go into a rendez-vous with her i pray alot!!!!!! It is definately the power of God and it is cool to see it in action.  It's humbling more than anything else.  As far as everyone else goes, things are going well but each one of the strongest of our amis seem to have one large obstacle stopping them from being baptized.  We are working on it.  Ummm voilà sorry there isn't more that would be interesting to all of you but it was just a normal week of work. :)

I sent mom a letter telling her about the sight-seeing and visiting after in a couple weeks. i hope she gets that soon.  I have planned most of it out i am just waiting till it gets closer to plan more precisely.  Donc voilà i hope to hear from you guys soon and we will talk later.

Elder Hoopes
Road of our Efforts
The Christ Flower

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