So i am simply gonna start out by saying that sometimes the mission field can be one of the hardest places to be. This week has been tough but i am getting through it. I don't know why exactly it all happened but this week has been filled will all sorts of things that has made it hard to focus and to do missionary work. It hasn't blocked me but at the same time is has been a heavy boulder on my shoulders. I have really had to pray for the Lord's Help and he has been helping me. today i am feeling so much better but last week was just a dark spot that i don't want to see again. I am so thank ful for Church too beacuse sometimes that is the best medicine for spiritual drowziness....if that is how you spell it. I dont know it can just be tough. I think it is funny how mom could tell that things were a little tough for me this last week. You have some serious mom vibes you know that.
All in all however this last week was decent and was productive. We finally got some good numbers and have increased our ami pool which was incredibly dry so on verra. WE also met a man on Monday named frederic who was interested in the Church and so we fixed a RDV with him and then that night also fixed a Baptismal date for him! How cool. He needs to stop smoking big time so keep him in your prayers. But he is a really cool guy. He is french Vietnamesse if that is how you spell it. Also we just got a media referal today so maybe we will go see this guy today i dont know all in all it is cool and the Lord is really blessing the people of Limoges. I like it. I also love the weather here. It has been warm in fact it is exactly like Arizona right now just french and awesome. Mom also in response to your question France is super beautiful. The region i am in is so gorgeous. Just forests and rolling hills except these forests and full of trees other than pine trees. They are so legit not gonna lie! So i can promise you that you will love this place a ton. Qlso when i came down here i did have to travel alone but i had help getting through paris and everything like that. ummmm yeah!
So honestly that is about it for now. I do have some questions. One when is scouts birthday? I dont know if we have really ever celebrated it.... hahaha and yeah that is it ha. Um oh yeah also here i watch general conference in the evening for the morning sessions and all other sessions are rebroadcasted. I get to watch it down here with the magnificent ward here! Anyway I need to go because my time is running out but i love you all and i am so proud of who you are to me in my life. I love you
Elder Hoopes
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