So yeah I am leaving haha it is about time i get out of here. I am very tired here but i am extremely greatful for the lessons i have learned here in Cherbourg. To go from nothing to something great in my time here is really cool to see. My first transfer here i taught 34 lessons. Second Transfer i taught 35 lessons and found some people and now this transfer we taught 51 lessons!!!!! WE have been so incredibly blessed i really can't explain in words how amazed i am that we actually pulled off this transfer so incredibly well. I know have confidence i can go anywhere work my hardest and the blessings will follow naturally! I have no problems lending the reins over to Elder Paul. He is a great elder and is always trying his hardest. So we will see. I also get to go down to Limoges which is beautiful beautiful country side and it is famous for its porcelain! Kinda cool. It also is much bigger. There is close to 200,000 people opposed to Cherbourg's 95,000 people. I am happy with that also it is a beautiful building and a ward down there!!!!! YESSSS!!!!!! I needed that so badly! Hahaha
Honestly it is nice not having to deal with the stress of serving here anymore. I love this place to death but you get my drift. I am sad to leave my amis here but again i have just worked so hard with them and only a couple of them have actually started to progress so it isn't to tough but i will miss them. I am going to stay in contact with them for sure. One of the Best goodbye's was the one the football team gave me. We all took a picture and then all the guys gave me a signed jersey they had all signed and then they also gave me the teams sticker logo! It is so cool and i miss them already! Ha when we come back on the mission tour we are going to come back to Cherbourg to Play football with them on the weekend! And then you can also see how church runs with 16 people! Woo hoo! But one of the harder goodbye's was to franck and charlotte. They have really been like my gaurdien angels here. They have always helped us out at moments notice and they have always made us feel at home. I love them and will miss them so so so so so much. It will be hard leaving the baptismal dates to but at the same time it can be super stressful and i feel good knowing that the most important thing is that i move to limoges and that the lord will make sure that they get baptised. I love them to death but ca va. I am going back down to the Orleans Zone which is the zone that Blois is in! So i might get to have some interaction there. Also i am going to be serving in the same district and Elder Draleau again which should be really cool. I missed him a whole lot.
Well really that is about it for write now. Next week is going to be a really good email because i will be telling you about my new situation! I love you all and wish me luck! Jusqu'à Lundi! Bye
Elder Jonathan Hoopes
Me and Wilfried |
My Grandma watch (yes i wear it!) |
The New and improved Team!!! My Boys! |
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