Hello!!!! Well i have to say everything sounds extremely busy back at thehouse! That is really fun! Carsons sounds like he is still just tearingeverything he touches into shreds! That kid is incredible! Hunter sounds tobe super genious as usual and Connor seems to be "The Most Interesting Manin The World." Everything sounds so fun and i am so happy for all you backhome. Here in Limoges the work in exploding! Last week we taught 16lessons and that was without seeing everyone we wanted to! What ablessing! Also we met and american named Annete who is what we call in thisindustry a "Golden Amie!" She is so incredible and i will tell you laterabout her. I love the work right now down here in Limoges. Elder Awerkampis so amazingly cool! I love him to death and with him here great thingsare happening! That is what happens when you put 2 Arizonans together! Wetear it up! Heavenly father is really helping us! It seems like in everyinstance we are doing something missionary related! Our Ami pool right nowis so full and about to be overflowing! I just love it! I am trying to notbe prideful at all but i am really happy with what is going on here inLimoges. Lucas is the man too! He actually just taught two lessons with usbefore we came to do emails. He has found 5 new people for us to teach!Honestly the guy is incredible. He said something that really explains alotand made me feel like i was a good missionary. He said "since you havegotten here i have had a bigger drive to be a member missionary because ican trust you with people that i talk to and find. The past twomissionaries, i couldn't do that with them." That made me feel so good!Not putting down the other missionaries but they didn't do much and whenthey taught it was ever really a lesson. So yeah that really touched me andfelt really good. By the way Rachel is doing good. She thinks that shebroke her toe but Lucas gave her a blessing and after there were no signs ofanything except a little bruising. So yeah she is doing really well. Iwanted to give you guys a better insight on our amis and so i made a list ofthem and their discriptions.- Frederic= French vietnamise. Super Funny. Scytsophrenic (if that ishow you spell it). ((Not severe))- Constantin= Togolise. Super tight. really committed to ourengagements and plays basketball with us- Konaté= Loves the booK of Mormon. from Mali, atheist convertedbelieving because he saw a bird save another bird and her chicks lives.- Valère= Loves Everyone so much! From Congo- Dieu-Merci-Michel= Jar jar binks. From congo. Love him to death andprovides for comic relief but i would never go to war with him at myside.......- Patrick and Andrè=Sweetest couple ever. Patrick from Cameroon and AndrèMadagascar. Patrick plays professional Rugby and is the largest human beingi have ever had the pleasure of meeting. he is enormous! He told me that ishould play Rugby because HE thought I was BUFF!!!! WOO HOO!!!!- Marine= 14 and well 14 years old. Tough but whatever- Pascal= Depressive possibly gay but really nice and cool not going tolie!- Jeff= incredibly nice and works for the Red Cross.- Jean-Charles= Really nice frenchman who has the adorable baby daughter!JW before now- ANNETTE!!!!!= Elite and Prepared! (see bottom)- Joelle= Friend of Annette who was raised as a Maryist. Really lookingfor the truth- Allen= From congo taught him a couple times and he is super invitedreally nice- Jessica and Sylvère= Biggest Nerds on the planet. Super open and warmto the missionaries. Just had a baby!So yes that is all of them. I hope you have a little feel of the people weare teaching here. Now about Annette. Annette was raised Baptist but thisreally strict General Association of reformed Baptist church. It was toughfor her. From what she has told us it was more strict than any otherreligion next to Omish. She was raised in Africa, then moved to France,married in the states and lived in Chicago for 19 years and then Mexico fortwo and now France again. she actually just got back and in between all ofthese stops she would live all around the world being a missionary. She isTechnically american but is really a third culture Kid. Craziness. So Yeahlife was super strict and imposing for her so she kinda rebelled from a lotof the standards and fell into a state of "Anti-Religion. Pro-Christ" Soshe is searching. Oh i didn't mention she taught at the Univeristy ofChicago for 15 years and was a professor of Religions and theirConnections. So cool! so we found her this last sunday the 7th i believeand How she was found was cool. the Elders of Poitiers were here for Stakeconference and so we did a mini exchange. Elders Barker and Awerkamp leftearly to help our amis get to church and i left later with Elder Darguenceto help get some other amis to church. Well By happenstance One of the Amisdidn't show up for the other two elders so they waited at a stop and thenthat bus left and a lady walked up and asked if the bus had already passed.They Said yes (mind you all in french) and then continued talking inenglish. she then goes are you American and then they said are you americanand then that is when things started happening!!!! She talked about herlife and talked to them a little longer before we walked up because we hadmissed our bus!!! Just all things worked out to meet with her! So then wehad rendez-vous with her last week. We explained to here all About ourchurch and our beliefs and such. We explained about the book of Mormon andits importance and she wants to read it so badly! She goes yeah that doesn'tsurprise me at all that people were crossing the ocean befor Colombus. Shethen proceeded to explain all the evidence of the Book of Mormons Validitywithout having read it. She goes on to say things like its interesting thatthe DNA in descendants of South America are from a middle eastern discent!Also she told us about how their civilizations are the only ones to have hadno rally beginning. Always they start with nothing and work up but in thiscase they already had technology and such. Then we explained the line ofDecent of Lehi how he was from the tribe of Manessa. She goes "no way.....That is where Phonecia used to be and the Phonecians were expert shipbuilders." SOOOOO COOOOL!!!! so that is Annette! Pray for her because ithink she is our next baptism. I love this work down here right now.Well that is all for now. I am so glad to hear that you finally got thepackage. Sorry everything smelt a little because well Cherbourg is justlike Washington and i was literally wet all the time. HAHAHA also i cantremember everything i put in there. Also the Sea Shells were all found onthe beach. Authentic! sorry no pics this week. We really didnt havechances to take them! I love you all so much and i miss you so much! Talkto you when i am20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucas andRachel are having us for dinner and they are inviting potentialinvestigators! best present ever LOL!!!!! I love you all!Elder Hoopes
Current Address:
This is my current address:
Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry
Monday, May 23, 2011
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