how is everyone doing? I will start out with the usual brussels is just heaven on earth and i wouldn't have it any other way. I love it so much! Miracle after miracle. Like today we had another cool little experience that i will talk about a little bit later. Yes everything is going great. Elder Petersen is great, we are working great, we are getting along great, just fantastic! I think it is in large part thanks to all of the prayers that have been offered in our behalf. We are not even doing that crazy of work but it just seems like if we are humble and are simply thankful for the blessings then they continue to flow. It is not to say that there is never opposition but it seems that all the blessings mask the bad.
The miracle this week is that today we were walking and this lady says hey elders! We're like, a member sweetness! So we said hi to her and turns out that she isn't a member but she has family that are members in South Africa and so she knows the church already and she says that she wants to be baptized. So we are going to be teaching her soon. She is 20 and a student studying Hotel Management so we'll see what happens! Cool huh!? Also Andrew, Charles and Abdullai brought us 8 new people to start teaching. Isn't that crazy? I love it so much! They are so cool. Honestly i am so so so so so happy here and I am really seeing the love that Heavenly Father has for his missionaries. Heavenly Father is totally willing to help us when we are willing to let him and i wish i would have understood this lesson a little bit better when i was in my other cities. Oh well. All is well and i know that i did good there and that is all that matters. It's true though that you wish you could always know all the knew new things you learn if that makes sense. So yeah things out here are going well.
Wednesday i will hit my 20 month mark. Crazy huh!? Unfortunately for me, my mind keeps getting caught up in the end coming closer and closer and i hate it. It is my least favorite feeling. I won't miss contacting people all day, but i will miss so much. The people, the changing of lives, the strong spirit ALWAYS, the love and support you have to feel at all times from the Lord, that i will miss. Sure i can have that at home but the abundance of all of it i will sincerely miss. Plus just all the lessons you learn out here. Plus i am not excited to get home and to date..... I mean i am but the thought of dating for a future spouse petrifies me...... EEEGAD!!!!!! Anyway we'll try not to focus and think of the end. So yes things are going so well. Kevin will be baptized this saturday as planned! He is the coolest! I can't wait till you see him! He is the coolest but his hair is the best part of it all! Haha Ok well i love you guys and i will talk to you later.
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