Current Address:

This is my current address:

Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry

Sunday, June 12, 2011

So ok what is up with Connor just picking up and flying out to philly! that
is so ridiculous!!! but understandable.... Happy birthday Connor! Oh
Goodness.... You're 15 now!!! That is so fun. I was telling everyone out
here that it was your birthday in Limoges! HAHAHAHAI think i am gonna to
start hearing about a lot of just pick up and go trips. You guys are so
lucky. I Am lucky to be in france but it is almost just like living a
normal life here and just going out to work everyday. It is weird i think
that this week i really hit an interesting point out here. I have forgotten
and don't know how to distinguish reality anymore. I know it sounds crazy
but honestly. I do so many bizzare things, talk to some incredibly strange
people, i am living on my own, i am changing the lives of others, studying
and trying my best to become better with God, just our day to day activities
are so unique it doesn't feel real. But on the other side of things i had
my life and everything before it and i am always thinking about that. Waking
up is the worst because i wake up from dreams of home and dreams of me
interacting with people from both worlds of my universe. It is just so
strange i really can't express it clearly. Next month on the 28th i hit my
year mark on my mission. OMG!!!! I have been living in France this whole
time wow.... I really miss everyone. I miss back home a lot. It doesn't
help not getting many letters from friends anymore but that comes as you are
on the mission i suppose. I love hearing from the family. Mom and dad your
emails are so good for me. Thank thank thank you. But i think you know
what i am trying to say. I feel so far away!!!!

Anyway on to brighter things. Today has been fun. at 10:30 we went to the
Church and we played Ping Pong for 4 hours..... I am very sore i must say.
I have gotten so good. I never really played until this transfer and i have
only been practicing with him and he is incredible but already we are
playing so competitively!!!! It rocks! Also just as news i am staying
another one here in Limoges with Elder Awerkamp. It will be great. It is
so much fun with him. So yeah he will be my first companion for more than
one transfer. So yeah and my other favorite elder in our district will stay
Elder Barker. Also on saturday as you can see from the photos we got
destroyed by a pigeon!!!! Omg! It literally exploded on us. So yeah there
is the debris and shrapnel from the blast. Also i included a picture of Pas
De Guerre. Pas de guerre in french means against war or not for war.
Everytime he talks to us at the parting moment he says to us,...."pas de
guerre" I don't know if he even has a name. I asked if we could take a
picture with him and he said "no, no, no it's not necessary" so i snuck this
picture while we were in the park and we saw him in the distance. Ha but
yeah hahaha. Ummmm

Ok so our amis are doing well. We are really wanting a baptism here so we
are really going to get more serious about the things we teach and also our
boldness. It is necessary and also i need to tighten up the loose screzzs
and be more obedient. Elder Awerkamp isn't the most obedient like he isn't
bad just very chill and sometimes i get to chill or just disregard the
rules. I really am trying to be good just sometimes i am not on my game
1000 percant you know. Anyway that is Limoges right now. Mom thank you for
the rust remover it worked wonders!!!!! I love you all so much and i hope
to hear from you soon! à bientot tchiao!

Elder Hoopes
This is Pas de Guerre, our favorite hobo

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