Current Address:

This is my current address:

Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

......Alaska :(

I just realized that once again i forgot my camera!!!!

OK SO WHAT IN THE FREAKING WORLD IS GOING ON WITH YOU GUYS GOING TO ALASKA!!!!!!!!!!!  AHHHHHH!!!!! That is my dream!!!!!  I have wanted to go to Alaska ever since i was in second grade and now they get to live the dream!  Yes once again i know i am in france but still you are so lucky! Send me pictures and lots of them! I am so jealous but its all good i guess and Hunter is intimidatingly huge but still you guys are so lucky!  It sounds like things back home are still kicking like normal!  I miss you guys alot and i miss just hanging out around the brothers like i used to.  Mom and dad i miss you a ton too and i miss everything you did for me back home.  I guess the only good part about hunter being enormous is that i will get all of his clothes when i get home in JUST OVER A YEAR!!!!  Hunter is massive and it is driving me nuts! Any way thank you for everything and mom getting me the new shoes and all that those will work out great!  Also this transfer ends july 18th just so you all know.  I might being staying a 4th because of some big things that are now happening that i will explain in a moment!  :) So Connor is Playing football huh?  That will be so much fun!  Mom you don't have to worry about him getting hurt because the only the people who play on the line get hurt.  The running backs and the wide receivers are the studs and have nothing to worry about! Connor is so awesome.  Omg that kid seizes to amaze me!  Dad asked me about the gift of tongues and i haven't had any real gift of tongues moments except for the fact that i learned french in about 12 weeks.  I am really speaking near perfect french the only thing lacking is the vocab but that comes slowly.  I can literally understand anyone though so no worries there.  I can't believe that i hit my 11 Month mark tomorrow!  That is incredible and after that the countdown begins until i get to see you all again!!!!

So Updates about Limoges.  I want you to all know that your prayer efforts have been answered and that our efforts are finally paying off for the better.  Jeff and Pascal both have Baptismal dates now! Pascal is fixed for the 15th of JULY!!!!!!!!!!  I will be baptizing him i think!  Hopefully he will have a member do it because that would be better in the long run but when we fixed the date with him he said it is really important to me that you are there for the baptism Jonathan.  So i just am so touched by that and his story is an incredible miracle!  The Book of Mormon has TRANSFORMED a Homosexual, Depressed, Agnastostic, into a Straight as an arrow, Up beat, hopeful, believer in Christ!  I love Pascal so much and his transformation has come through and by the Book of Mormon.  Oh it makes me so happy.  JEFF!!!  We fixed a date with him for the 13th of August.  I think that all will be well with him he just needs to find that firm testimony in the Book of Mormon that will change his life like pascals!!  So yes he is now in line to do that.  Other miracles are happening and i am so happy to be a part of them here in Limoges.  Limoges is still my least favorite of all the Villes i have served in But the work is continual and it makes up for my dislike of how limoges looks.  Yeah that is the only reason i am not of fan of Limoges is the feel of the Ville but in general it is ok and i am loving the work.  So yes that is Limoges for the moment.  It has been getting really hot out here.  The only thing that toughens my up is saying well i could be in arizona right now!  Hahahaha seriously that heat is so gnarly!  Any way well that is all that i have to write about today.  I look forward to hearing from you all soon.  I love you all so much!

Love Elder Hoopes

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