Current Address:

This is my current address:

Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bonjour tout le monde‏

Bonjour! Comment-allez vous?!  ça va bien?  Things here are going good.  We're still going here in Compiègne.  Things have been interesting this last transfer and i am excited for another oppurtunity to learn and grow with Elder Reed.  I have celebrated all of the major holidays with him this year haha!  Christmas i think will be good.  Let me know what day i can call because i am going to try and do it at the church or something like that.  I hope i can do skype but i am not sure which of the members have skype.  We'll just have to see.  I will bring it up with the bishop and he will tell us.  So yeah also this week is THANKSGIVING! You guys are so luck to be able to celebrate that.  I miss that alot but next year i'll be there!!!!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!! !!!! !! ! This thanksgiving we will be eating a turkey at the Bishop's parents house so that should be nice.  I am going to try and find some cranberry sauce so at least i can try to make it seem like it is authentic.  The only thing that I think i'll have on you is that we will be able to hold a turkey bowl and we will be playing on Les Invalides, a giant field right underneath the Eiffel Tower.  That is about all though :p :) So yeah i know that i will be really missing all of you.

This week was another week that kinda went slow but at the same time it was good and it helped us prepare for this next week.  I don't know what it is but it is frusturating at times.  However frusturating, We have to keep going on and i know that the Lord will give us the results that we show him we want.  Some of the Elders in my district were having a really rough time.  They have been struggling for a long time but they said that they want to have Five baptisms by the end of the mission even though they were struggling.  Well this week the elders there found 5 new people and 4 of them have asked about the qualifications for baptism.  Wuch a miracle!  I am so proud of them.  We are trying to have the same success!  We are going to have to focus our efforts this next week on lots of finding because we are lacking in the potentials department! So we need to get that better.  But we will keep going and like i said we are really praying for miracles.  It is nice because the ward here is really starting to work with us more and are sharing with more and more stories of where they are actually doing missionary work. That helps us so much because that shows us that they are willing to do the efforts and help us try to find new people.  We are going to start to help the mebers learn how they can do the hardest part and that is to then give us the number of this person.  So yeah that is Compiègne for the moment.

I am so incredibly happy to hear about Richard and his faith and how he is grown.  I have used his story multiple times with the ward in showing them the miracles that can happen by just inviting someone to come to church.  He is an inspiration to me and let him also be an example to our family in inviting more people to hear about this wonderful gospel!  It has blessed us so much! Let's share it more.  You never know what might happen.  Richard is going to be making sacred eternal convenants in December.  Can you imagine if he never had the oppurtunity in this life to do that.  He would be so sad on the other side.  It's stories like his that push me to continually do missionary work.  It is so incredibly worth it.  

Thank you for preparing another package for me!  that is so sweet.  I would be happy if there are cheez-its inside.  Those are my favorites.  I think that is it though. all the other stuff you send will be so great anyway!  I love packages from home.  Speaking of getting things back home.  I got a letter from Brandie DeAnda today!  It was so much fun to hear from her.  I also have gotten some fun letters from CatieCatester and Ellie! How fun! Also a fun the world is so small story, one of my buddies from back home who is serving in Canada is serving in my comps old ward!  He was eating with the Reed family and they asked where he was from and he said AZ, so then there all oh so is our sons companion, Do you know Elder Hoopes?!  And apparently he freaked out just as much as i did when Elder Reed read me the letter!  LOL so so fun! I love little stories like that.  Ha well good i think that is going to be all for the moment.  I love you all so much and i pray for you everyday!  

Love Elder Hoopes

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