Wow.....Well a lot of things have been happening back home. Ha i loved getting the family letter and seeing how everyone is doing and seeing that that is actually a reality and not just a past life lol. It was so much fun and i wouldn't mind if you guys put my letters in there along with all of the other letters. I don't know how to do it myself. Also seeing Garret in the MTC is super fun! Just to think over a year ago i was there. Lets pray he has an uplifting experience. Better than mine at least. I learned good things but still had a tough time. Anyway next thing. I was shocked to hear about the passing of Brother Brinton in Our ward. I am still really stunned and i can't believe it happened. This week i had an uneasy feeling that something happened this past week back home. So i have been anxious to see the emails this week and sure enough. Please past my remorse and my feeling on to them and their family.
Onto the mission field. Training is an experience not gonna lie. Wow so many questions to answer so much instructing, so much everything. I feel the responsibilty that rests on my shoulders to be a good Trainer and it really is heavy. I want my boy to be super and just have the best mission ever. Maybe this is what being a parent feels like a little bit. HAHA I think maybe just a bit. Ha i honestly thank you guys for being so patient with me through my childhood/adolescence. Just thought i needed to throw that one in there. But things are going well. We are working really hard and there are good things happening. We met a man contacting last week who is from Ireland Who speaks French Fluently and is a student. We get to see him tonight as a matter of Fact. It is awesome being able to be a missionary in English sometimes. We were able to convey our feelings and our love in the best way we knew how, In English! Elder Reed was having blast with it! Then there is another Lady we are teaching with Portugese origins but has been in France for 7 years and understands french with ease. She is great! She is a young mother and has two boys! So we will teach her tonight as well and i think that should go really well. On verra bien. Ha Elder Reed is So Boss! He has invited each one of our amis to baptism! Each have said yes and so now it is up to us to pick out a date which would best suit them. I am so proud of him. He is really working so hard!But yeah that is about it for the moment. By the way Dad sorry i took forever to email you back but i got the debit card early last week but never had the chance to tell you but yes it is here and i love me some Larry Fitzgerald! Ha I also was going to ask who was in the World Series and so thanks for the Update. Keep me up to date with all the Baseball happenings. I am really missing baseball not gonna lie. Rangers have evidently made some crazy good strides these past couple years! Go RANGERS! Also just to let you know it is starting to get really cold here in Compiègne so i am going to need to get some warm clothes. I am going to just need some garments which i can buy online don't worry about that, i just need a couple dollars. I think i should have sufficient but just letting you know. Mom also i am so excited to hear about how good preperations are going for the 3 day walk. Keep it up and know how proud i am of you and how much i feel Margot appreciates you and the rest of the girls. Keep working hard. Hunter don't give up in School! Erica sounds nice. I'd like a picture please. Also does she have any awesome 19-21 year old sisters who are gorgeous and who would like to write a missionary in France who speaks french and plays drums and can cook? If so my address is 136 Rue Victor Hugo, 60280 Margny-Les-Compiègne. Thanks. HAHA i think all the other girls from back home are moving onto other not french speaking, nor me boyfriends. ANYWAY i love you all Carson keep doing awesome in Baseball! and Connor keep staying super Vailiant! I love you all
Elder Hoopes
After Contacting For three Hours we had a strong desire for Sorbet.....don't Judge |
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