Current Address:

This is my current address:

Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry

Monday, May 21, 2012

#10. 9 of these to go.‏

Ok voilà

So i know that i didn't write last week but of course that was because we talked on the phone instead and that is totally cool!  SO just because i don't have a ton of time i will have to be pretty quick, but i do have a pretty cool story to share about prayer that will blow your socks off.  So ok normal things this week lots of contacting, but we did find 3 new amis, set a date with a guy, (deets to follw) and we taught 3 times as many lessons this week than we did the week before.  So things are good.  Still a lot of oppostion but i can't say that during my mission it has ever been easy but we are working through it.  Things with Elder Collett are good too.  We are getting along well.  He is a young missionary and still has a lot that he needs to learn but he is coming along really well. Also I had a great birthday!  We had Himalayain Buffet and then Cheese and Baguettes (my favorite) for dinner!  Super nice i must say!  Haha it is cool now that i am 21.  

Me i have really been thinking about the future.  I am focused on the mission but naturally like at night and when i have free time i tend to plan and think about what is coming in the future and i feel fairly confident about what is coming but still it is weird thinking about that.  I have to be honest one thing that has been really bothering me not bothering but causing lots of reflection is who i want to marry.  I am not choosing right now.  I haven't even been on a date in two years.  I guess the question i have been reflecting on is Who is the man that my future wife prays to have?  Who do i need to become in order for her to be as crazy for me as i will be for her.  Things like that, so i am taking the time to really form my character before i get home so that when that moment does come, Heavenly Father will have helped mold me into who i need to be. One for my future wife but i guess the over lying factor is who is the priesthood holder i need to become.  Voilà c'est ça la question.

So to Share the story that happened.  So this is a story about prayer.  We have had nothing since we got here but from the start we knew that we could ffind someone to get baptized otherwise we wouldn't be here.  So we prayed really hard last wednesday in order to find someone that would be ready to be baptized.  So we prayed specifically for that and asked the Lord to provide someone for us to baptize.  So we got home late from something last wednesday from our normal plans and we had an left to contact so we went and contacted everyone that walked our way and we found 3 new numbers.  We also set a rendez-vous with one guy named juvet for the following day.  So it was on my birthday, we went to his house and taught him.  Within the first 10 minutes i would say we felt totally pushed and impressed to give him the baptism invitation with a baptismal date at that time.  Before teaching any principles too.  We said to him "What kind of relationship would you like to have with Heavenly Father?" And he said i want to be closer to him, i want to HAVE a relationship with him.  So we told ok well you do that by being baptized.  That is the way we come closer to Christ.  We take his name upon us and are baptized and so he accepted for the 16th of June.  I was so shocked and amazed really that it all happened so quickly!  It was wonderful.  So yeah that is the miracle, that Heavenly Father answers prayers and, you know even if Juvet for example doesn't want to do it in the end, heaven forbid, God will have still answered our prayers.  Cool Huh!?  I love it.  I am going to mis having these kinds of experiences.

Voilà! C'y était la semaine.  I love you all so much and i hope all is going well!  You're all so great!  Talk to you later!

Elder Hoopes

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