Hello Everyone. So as you know i will be leaving Brussels or as i like to call it, the Land of Promise. It stinks not going to lie. I get sick of the daily routine sometimes but still you can't acruge with the blessings that you recieve here honestly. So yes i said goodbye to the ward and to the recent converts. Carlos, Charles and Andrew (of the brothers), Michel and Kevin were there, so i will be seeing Lassissi and Abdullai tomorrow before i leave. It has been a bit hard. Still the hardest place to leave has been Limoges i don't know why but definately these people are they who i will miss the most. I cant wait for you to meet them. They are great! So yeah i still have some goodbyes to say and you know what is also funny??? In this ward even though i worked my butt off i thought that i had gone unnoticed by the whole ward like they didn't even care that i was there but there were many families who came up afterwards and said some very sweet things to me that made me feel so loved. A couple of people came and told me that they looked up to me and admired me and that they were so thankful for the work i had done in the ward and honestly that made me feel so good inside. The thing i hate the most about a mission is not being accepted by the members that you serve which is quite often the case. However here i feel like they do accept me and are proud of the work that we did. So yeah it will be hard to leave but i am going to the only other part of the mission that is call Heaven on Earth and that is Évry.
15 kilometers from Paris, huge ward, great members, and good work. We are pretty much whitewashing in which means that they are pulling out two missionaries and putting in two as well. So hopefully we are not walking into nothingness but probably we are. they don't just whitewash to whitewash. All i know is that i am going to work these last 12 weeks to the bone!!! My new companion is from Kaysville, Utah and his name is Elder Collett. He is apparently a nice kid and his MTC comp loved him but i have never met him before. He is a young Missionary i think in his 4th Transfer. So we'll see how that goes. I am looking forward to the new experience.
The Baptism went super well and i able to give him the Holy Ghost on Sunday. The spirit was so strong in both meetings and especially when we gave him the holy ghost. so that was super great! Ummmmmm anything else i don't think so i will be talking to you all on Sunday anyway so we'll see you then. I love you all
Elder Hoopes
,+lemy+(friend+who+converted+them),+and+KEVIN.jpg) |
Biran(kevins brother who will soon be baptized now), lemy (friend who converted them), and KEVIN |
Carlos Yotat Murphy |
Carlos, Charles, and Andrew |
Charles's first recent convert! |
Story of our Transfers HAHA |
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