Current Address:

This is my current address:

Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hello!!  How is everyone doing? I am doing good living the same life as before ha! Just not to many new things have really happened.  pascal is doing well!  the ward is doing a good job at making him feel welcome.  I feel like a parent in the fact that i feel like the ward is never doing enough but in reality Pascal is loving it and is doing really well.  He is still a very new member and so also when we review through the lessons with him i expect him to really understand everything right away but he still is learning.  It is just an interesting mind set i guess. Things are still going great between me and Elder Awerkamp.  We are loving being together.  He is so easy to get along with. 
Oh so good news about Annette.  We got to meet her parents who are so incredibly republican it is crazy!  Lol they remind me of Dad.  However they would be front row at the Republican National convention!  Ha so yes we met them.  It is interesting because they are hard core Baptist and well they don't like Mormons very much...AT ALL! When they found out that Annette was taking lessons from us they fought and eventually her father ended up slapping her.  SO YEAH.....  this was a couple months ago and they have began to see the change in Annette's life and how much happier she is now because of us.  So they finally said they wanted to meet us and so we went over there this past Saturday and they had made us Hot Coco and girl scout cookies and crackers and other little snacks and we just spent a really good moment all together.  They really warmed up to us.  Next week we are going to go and have a pic-nic i think.  they are so incredibly religious it is insane!  they are professors of theology and know the bible so well however something interesting is that when we site Scripture they don't have a uniform response nor do they really see it is as individual principles or Doctrine.  So we are really going to be studying and proving the truthfulness of the church through the bible and New testament backing it up with the Book of Mormon.  I have studied rigorously in the New testament about the need to be baptized, grace and the trinity.  It is embarrassing on their part that they have overlooked  so many simple truths!  they are going to learn a lot i think.  I have grown to love the New testament so much through this.  It is so black and white and really just solidifies the truth and doctrine in our faith. So yes that is the news with them. I really think that is about all that has really happened this week.  I will keep you updates if things change next week of course.  Mom, i am eating well hahaha thank you for the compliment and also you letter is almost done and i will be sending that soon.  Carson's letter was so hilarious!!!!  thank you and hey who won the All-Star Game? also about the new scriptures i already did that for him.  I didn't have his named engraved because i couldn't but still i gave him a really pretty set of scriptures.  Thank you for praying for him and loving him even though you haven't met him.  You will in a Year!  Omg!  I will be on the down hill next letter!  Craziness!  Well alrighty i think that is it for now.  Thank you so much for everything i love you all!
Elder Hoopes

Monday, July 18, 2011

HUGE NEWS!!!!!!!

Pascal and Me
The Boys!!!!!
Our Ward Mission Leader and Us
Well Yes As you can see from the Images PASCAL GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HAHAHAHA I am so so so so stoked!  It all went through and he was confirmed yesterday and it was all so beautiful and perfect.  I am hoping that our Ward mission leader will send me all of the pictures because they took some other good ones!  I am so Happy for pascal honestly his whole story is just one gigantic miracle and he has engaged himself in the best thing possible for his life.  I am so proud of him.  Keep praying for him because Pascal is someone prone to receiving blessings.  He honestly gets everything he asks for because he does everything he needs to.  Oh i am just so proud of him!  So that is the first big news! Second Transfer news came out and me and Elder Awerkamp will be staying together again for our third transfer!  I am so happy for that!  He really is awesome and we are just getting along so well. Ha So yes i think that is about it as far as huge news goes. Also we are back in great contact with annette!  She is doing really well and she really takes care of us like Mom would if she were here.  She is so sweet to us and she now is seeing the connections between the truth of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith being a prophet.  She is also seriously engaged in that she wants to know the truth.  ALSO SHE has not rejected the things we are saying like other religions. She holds on to ours and realizes that the Book of Mormon is sacred.  So that is her.  Really that is about all that has happened.  It has been a stressful but also a very fullfilling week.  

So yes again i will be staying here i will be here until August 28 (that is the next transfer email).  Mom i got your letter and trust me i will be writing you very soon.  I hit my year mark next thursday CRAZY SAUCE!  Also i have heard all about the news being published about President Monson announcing the temple here in france which is LEGIT!  So cool!  I love it.  Hopefully they will announce it this next general conference.  But yes that is it.  sorry this isn't more intensive but this is about all that has happened!  I love you and HUNTER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!  18 is the best birthday!

I love you all,
Elder Hoopes

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bonjour Bounjour tout le monde!

Alors, This week has already started so awesome and i thik it is only going to get better! So sorry i am writing this a little late it is just that i wasn't in Limoges i was in Blois on Monday and so that of course was demanding to my time and we weren't able to email.   Omg what a p-day!!!!!  I got to hang out with Elder Youngblood, who is in my Mtc District and another Elder, Elder Coleman who is in Awerkamps district so it was so much fun!  We just road tripped and visited 6 Chateaux in Blois that i had never seen before!  We saw Montrichard, Montpoupon, Montrésor, Vallençay, Amboise and My favorite, Loches!  Loches is a medieval city just like toledo just not as big nor spanish but they had a super old Dungeon, an abbey, and a Chateau from the 15th Century!  So that was so awesome! I took lots of photos! Also we met our Mission president this tuesday in Angers and that was the reason actually we were in Blois was to go out there in the morning!  So yes and he seems really cool.  It is a different feel than President Stahelli but he is so awesome down to earth and thinks like a french member.  He knows what the members here are like and how they think of missionaries.  He also sees the work from our point of view really well because he is french!  It is such a blessing really!  So that was great also one of our newest endeavours is painting our apartment so it doesn't look as nasty as it did before because it was really bad.  So that is why we look like we were painting.  We decided to get the most outrageous look as possible and this is the best we could do for 10 euros. HAHAHA um but that is about it. As Far as Amis go,

Looks like pascal will still be getting baptized this friday!!!!! :) Quick story about fasting.  So last thursday we get a call from pascal saying that he has to go up to Paris and that he needed to change his baptismal date that he had.  I was so bummed but he had to because his father was being operated on urgently so he went up to comfort his family.  He told us that he didn't know when he would be back exaclty.  Well so this sunday me and Elder Awerkamp fasted that he would return in time and be able to get baptized this next week.  Well i called him everyday to see how he was doing and his phone was turned off and so i didn't get to talk to him.  WELL this tuesday i called him and even though things didn't turn out that great with his family he was on his way back to Limoges!  We were in Angers when i called and so we returned as planned and got onto the regular schedule with him.  The only thing we have to change is his interview that will take place tomorrow.  Its interesting because i was worried he would go into a relapse of cigarettes or something maybe even a depression but when i talked to him today he told me that he hadn't smoked in a week and that he was still keeping all commitments!  AHHHHH!!!!! So all that needs to happen is that he gets interviewed and then he will be able to be baptized friday if that goes through!  Such an answer to fasting! How great!?  Thank you also for all of your prayers!  that is so great of all of you!  Also next thing!  We got back in contact with annette and she is doing ok.  We are on our schedule with her again to.  So things are really going well and i am loving this work.  Transfer ends Sunday so i will have news this weekend!!!!!  I hope we stay another together!  Elder Awerkamp ROCKS!  Oh and also the Burrito Party went great!  We got an ami out of it WOO HOO!!!!

So i am glad you had a fun time in san diego!  that sounds like so much fun!  I miss cali but i must say french countryside is ridiculously beautiful and perfect for a roadtrip!  Ha and that jellyfish was enormous!  So cool!  Um also i think that i will be officially done on August 1st 2012.  So yeah plan as you must.  It is no big deal visiting around after the mission.  I will be legal in the country until April 2013 :) hahaha!  That is usually the holdup for doing mission tours.  If you have question you can just call the mission home and they will help you out!  Umm i believe that is it.  OHHHHH  Thank you so much for the shoes they are wonderful and thank you for the random treats!  It made for great road tripping!!  I love you all and thank you again.  I miss you all!!!!

Elder Hoopes

Amboise Castle
Asian Pose
Chateau D'amboise on the fortress
Dongeun at loches
Everyday life 
Medieval city Gates

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Well Hi!

Ok so from the awesome pictures and videos alaska looked freaking awesome!  I am so glad you had a good time!  Someday!  By the way do you think that you all will come to france to pick me up or will that just be mom and Dad?  Anyway!  I love you all and i miss you a whole ton!  Happy Fete National on pourrait dire!  It's 4th of July how cool!  Lucky for us we have the coolest members in Rachel and Lucas and so they are throwing a big huge Burrito Party for us!  But check this out, there're all.... So we were thinking we could celebrate the 4th of July by throwing a Giant Party and what we'll do is just invite all of our friends to come and the only way that members will be allowed to come is if they bring a friend! So tonight we will be eating so many burritos and just having such an awesole time!  Oh and it will be at the church!  So we will be bringing tons of Book of Mormons and all sorts of other things to give to people and we are really oping to find some really awesome people!  They will all be about 20-25 because they are all of Lucas and Rachels friends!  I am so stoked! 

Also speaking of stoked, Pascal!  He is doing really well still progressing and everything!  He fasted this sunday with us so hat he could stop smoking and also so that he could find a new apartment!  I am so proud of him.  He is trying al tat he can to stop smoking and it is so awesome to see.  I think what could help even more then the Patch and Meds is just a simple desire and drive of self confidence to overcome this. I know he can do this.  Keep praying for him.  He will be interviewed on the 9th and if all goes well He'll be baptized on the 15th.  Oh i hope this goes through!  If i see another baptism fall through i am going to go nuts!  1/12 would be nice.  Pascal official asked me to baptize him and i of course accepted and i can't wait.  Oh Pascal!!!!  This sunday he participated so well in Church and even on Saturday he cae to a Ward service project with all th Elders Quorum and all that.  INTEGRATION!!!!  Church also was so ballin BECAUSE we had not one, not two, but 5 AMIS AT CHURCH! The most i have ever had was six and that was in Blois!  I was so happy and now things are going well with our little African Family because they came to Church.  I don't know if i told you about them but they are actually legit and it is Lydie and her two kids Grace (10) and MiraD (short for miracle of God (Dieu)) who is 14 months.  I hope they get baptized also.  Jeff is doing well to everyone actually is doing alright.

I really hope that i can stay here again with Awerkamp preferably!  He rocks and we just get along so well.  By the way mom transfer day is not until the 20th of July.  I will know if i am moving the 16th.  Really the ward here loves me and they want me to stay longer.  They have asked me.  Even Lucas and Rachel really want us to stay!  I would love to but i understand the Lord may need me to do work like i've started here somewhere else so i will just go where he needs me to go! But really that is about it. 

So yes the pictures haha. The ones with the giant skeletons!  We were just planning for the following day and i heard drummers so i looked out the window and i found this going on!  CRAZINESS!  It was radical!  It was like a play but a satanic ritual without satan you know!?  It was just so cool!  I love that about france just so many random cultural experiences!  Anyway that is about it!

Well until next week!
Elder Hoopes
Constantin Destroying
Dieu Merci Michel's Departure
Fire Pit
Music Party
Rain Rain go away

Outside our window