Current Address:

This is my current address:

Elder Jonathan Hoopes
17, cours Monseigneur Romero
91000, Évry

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bonjour Bounjour tout le monde!

Alors, This week has already started so awesome and i thik it is only going to get better! So sorry i am writing this a little late it is just that i wasn't in Limoges i was in Blois on Monday and so that of course was demanding to my time and we weren't able to email.   Omg what a p-day!!!!!  I got to hang out with Elder Youngblood, who is in my Mtc District and another Elder, Elder Coleman who is in Awerkamps district so it was so much fun!  We just road tripped and visited 6 Chateaux in Blois that i had never seen before!  We saw Montrichard, Montpoupon, Montrésor, Vallençay, Amboise and My favorite, Loches!  Loches is a medieval city just like toledo just not as big nor spanish but they had a super old Dungeon, an abbey, and a Chateau from the 15th Century!  So that was so awesome! I took lots of photos! Also we met our Mission president this tuesday in Angers and that was the reason actually we were in Blois was to go out there in the morning!  So yes and he seems really cool.  It is a different feel than President Stahelli but he is so awesome down to earth and thinks like a french member.  He knows what the members here are like and how they think of missionaries.  He also sees the work from our point of view really well because he is french!  It is such a blessing really!  So that was great also one of our newest endeavours is painting our apartment so it doesn't look as nasty as it did before because it was really bad.  So that is why we look like we were painting.  We decided to get the most outrageous look as possible and this is the best we could do for 10 euros. HAHAHA um but that is about it. As Far as Amis go,

Looks like pascal will still be getting baptized this friday!!!!! :) Quick story about fasting.  So last thursday we get a call from pascal saying that he has to go up to Paris and that he needed to change his baptismal date that he had.  I was so bummed but he had to because his father was being operated on urgently so he went up to comfort his family.  He told us that he didn't know when he would be back exaclty.  Well so this sunday me and Elder Awerkamp fasted that he would return in time and be able to get baptized this next week.  Well i called him everyday to see how he was doing and his phone was turned off and so i didn't get to talk to him.  WELL this tuesday i called him and even though things didn't turn out that great with his family he was on his way back to Limoges!  We were in Angers when i called and so we returned as planned and got onto the regular schedule with him.  The only thing we have to change is his interview that will take place tomorrow.  Its interesting because i was worried he would go into a relapse of cigarettes or something maybe even a depression but when i talked to him today he told me that he hadn't smoked in a week and that he was still keeping all commitments!  AHHHHH!!!!! So all that needs to happen is that he gets interviewed and then he will be able to be baptized friday if that goes through!  Such an answer to fasting! How great!?  Thank you also for all of your prayers!  that is so great of all of you!  Also next thing!  We got back in contact with annette and she is doing ok.  We are on our schedule with her again to.  So things are really going well and i am loving this work.  Transfer ends Sunday so i will have news this weekend!!!!!  I hope we stay another together!  Elder Awerkamp ROCKS!  Oh and also the Burrito Party went great!  We got an ami out of it WOO HOO!!!!

So i am glad you had a fun time in san diego!  that sounds like so much fun!  I miss cali but i must say french countryside is ridiculously beautiful and perfect for a roadtrip!  Ha and that jellyfish was enormous!  So cool!  Um also i think that i will be officially done on August 1st 2012.  So yeah plan as you must.  It is no big deal visiting around after the mission.  I will be legal in the country until April 2013 :) hahaha!  That is usually the holdup for doing mission tours.  If you have question you can just call the mission home and they will help you out!  Umm i believe that is it.  OHHHHH  Thank you so much for the shoes they are wonderful and thank you for the random treats!  It made for great road tripping!!  I love you all and thank you again.  I miss you all!!!!

Elder Hoopes

Amboise Castle
Asian Pose
Chateau D'amboise on the fortress
Dongeun at loches
Everyday life 
Medieval city Gates

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