Hello Everyone,
This week has been one of the most trying weeks of my mission. The nice thing is that we ended up just laughing and smiling at how horrible it turned out but you know we were blessed in comparison to other missionaries in the mission so we can't complain. We also had a super cool miracle happen in the mission to that i will share later. All in all things are going well and the countdown for coming home unfortunately begins next week. This is the last week of the transfer so i COULD move but i don't think i will. If i moved i'd be shocked! So there you go.
This week we got stood up by 14 times. That is the most that i have ever had in one week in my mission. I don't know why that happened but even confirming the day of or a night in advance couldn't prevent the falling through of rendez-vous. I don't know what it was but it pushed me to really reflect a lot on the church and what it is in my life. We got to go to a 7th day adventist church this week as well and that opened my eyes to their religion/version of Christianity. It was fun we sang and hooted and hollered Amens the whole time and we prayed a ton and stuff like that. It was fun but it was missing something. The week before we also went to a catholic mess, it's just next to our house, to see what that is like and i felt the same lacking. All in all they were lacking the Spirit. Now i don't want to sound like i am hating on other religions but honestly, I know that every person can feel the Spirit of God when talking and thinking about Jesus but without the constant companionship we can never feel complete. Even though it was great seeing a lot of people who believed in Christ, the thought kept coming to my mind, they have now idea what they are missing. This is what compelled me to think about the church so much. Why is it that everyone in France/ the world Hates us? We are not weird, we don't do anything bad to people, frankly our religion is so chill compared to others! The media i feel is one of the WORST influences on the church and unfortunately people are dumb enough to hear everything that comes out of the television. People have no idea who we are. When we were at church sunday i really tried to focus on my feelings and i was so calm and at peace. I needed that. The Spirit was so strong. I don't know why it was stronger than usual but i knew that it was good you know. There is a verb in French that goes, faire le clown, meaning to act like a clown or in a nonsensical way. One investigator told us It's different in your church, you are very modest, polite, and you don't faire le cown. I loved that and i know it is true. I love our church because not only do we show a reverance towards sacred things, but we are also very complete. I feel like i can find any answer through the gospel and the more and more i study the more and more i find that you really can. That is how i know that it is true, along with the testimony that i have already aquired. Also i love that the church doesn't participate in any type of war against other Christian faiths. I feel like the people that hate us the most are our own Christian brothers, and i am so glad that i belong to a church who could care less about what people say about them because we know who it is we represent more than any other Christian faith. I love the people in other christian churches but there is no church on the earth except our that will get you closer to Christ. That is why i love the Church, that is also why i ramble sorry..... hahaha
The cool miracle that happened this week in the mission was this. Last week was the first week of the year in which our mission didn't have a baptism planned for the weekend. Also we are really doing very well in comparison to where we were at this time last year. So president asked that the whole mission to pray and to ask all those ready for baptism to be baptized on the Weekend. We were all a little surprised but we all looked over our potentials and did the best we could to find people. The zone leaders then asked each companionship to find a quite place and to kneel and pray that people would get baptized that weekend. So we did that and this morning we found out that the mission had 5 baptisms this weekend! How cool huh?! Unfortunately we didn't have a baptism but the prayers were heard! How cool. I was super happy when i saw that! Our mission is doing really well as of late and i see it only getting better and better!
Anyway so that was the week a bit. I love you all and am so grateful for you! LOVE,
Elder Hoopes